Saturday, July 14, 2012

I have one sister. We are so different but she is so vital to me. I have other girlfriends that I have more in common with in life but no one is like my sister when we truly connect. The connection is surreal. I think if you are not blessed with a sibling by birth or family then there may be someone who takes that place. I don't know how anyone can get through this life without that someone. Not a spouse...not a parent....a sister. Who is your someone?

These are the flowers my friend's sister sent her her first day at her new job. Look closely! They are cupcakes! Shout out to Doodley Bug Bakery Ocala/Gainesville, FL! How clever. What are the most unusual or special flowers you have ever received?

<3 xoxo


  1. Where are your comments my friends? I know you have something to say... ;-D

  2. Thanks for including me on your blog! Sisters (biological or picked) are truly special! I wanted to show my sister how special she is to me and that I am proud of her!
