Monday, July 16, 2012

tell me about your girlfriends

What would a heroine in a novel be without a best friend...or two? Undeveloped! What would we be like without our besties? One dimensional!
Now it seems men truly can live without the comraderie of emotional relationships without sex.
But girls? Women? Not so much...

What makes that friendship so special? Is it like the cartoon says? Partly true I believe in that we need to retell our grievous experiences...again and again. Its how we lessen the drama actually.

A truly good listener knows the drama doesn't define the storyteller but rather the story telling itself is cathartic and healthy. Its bonding. Its not shameful to pour out our innermost secrets to those special someones...its an honor and a sign of strength to be able to put into words that which is defining us on our storyboard.

It starts young too. I saw it start in kindergarten with my oldest daughter. The girls had a need to find another special someone to share those really important 5 year old "dramas"!

So my stories...always have a kick butt heroine but also integral to the writing...integral to the her kick butt best friend!

Tell me about your girlfriends....
Xoxo <3 --L

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